Групповые курсы чешского языка по выходным в Праге

Групповые интенсивные курсы чешского языка по выходным в Праге

Вы уже долго ищите эффективный и интересный курс чешского по выходным в Праге? Именно сейчас это у Вас получилось!

A. Weekend Czech Language Courses for Foreigners in Prague – Weekend One Term Courses

Dates I.   05. 10. –  07. 12. 2024
II.  04. 01. – 08. 03. 2025
III. 05. 04. – 07. 06. 2025
Number of lessons 40 teaching units for one course (1 teaching unit = 45 minutes)
Course Fee CZK 5,750 for each of these three Courses when booking one month in advance – the textbook is not included in the Course Fee
CZK 6,000 for each of these three Courses – the textbook is not included in the Course Fee
When Sa: 10:00 – 11:30, 11:45 – 13:15
Sessions I. 5. 10., 12. 10., 19. 10., 26. 10., 2. 11., 9. 11., 16. 11., 23. 11., 30. 11., 7. 12.
II. 4. 1., 11. 1., 18. 1., 25. 1., 1. 2., 8. 2., 15. 2., 22. 2., 1. 3., 8. 3.
III. 5. 4., 12. 4., 19. 4., 26. 4., 3. 5., 10. 5., 17. 5., 24. 5., 31. 5., 7. 6.
Location Týnská – Staroměstská Metro Station or Náměstí Republiky Metro Station
Note The maximum number of students in a group is 8.
The minimum number of students in a group is 3.
The given course fee is for 20 teaching units a week for 2 students in a group.
The given course fee is for 10 individual teaching units.

The Course Fee for our Weekend One Term Czech Course in Prague includes:

  • 🎯 Beginners learn basics – pronunciation, basic dialogues, asking questions and how to approach and understand Czech grammar- first phrases: Kdo je to? Co je to? Kde je to?, děkuju, prosím, ...
    - first dialogues – Těší mě.; Jak se máte?; professions, nationalities; Verbs „být“, and „mít“;
    - telling the time – Kolik je hodin? V kolik hodin je …?; numbers; Verbs „rozumět“, „vědět“,...
    - describing a classroom/ an office – Co je vpředu, vzadu, vlevo, vpravo, uprostřed?; gender; Verbs „pracovat“, „studovat“
    - dialogue in a shop – food and drinks, fruit and vegetables, colours; accusative forms; Verbs with an accusative: „nakupovat“, „mít“,...

B. Intensive Weekend Czech Language Courses for Foreigners in Prague – Separate Sessions

Dates and Programme 12. 10. 2024 Accusative, Genitive and Locative Singular – grammar charts, exercises, texts
19. 10. 2024 Czech Songs you are to know, see e. g. Czech Songs and Czech Poems you will fall in love with, see e. g. Czech Poems
26. 10. 2024 Czech Jokes, see e. g. Czech Jokes and Life in the Czech Republic, see e. g. Czech Quizzes
2. 11. 2024 Instrumental, Dative and Vocative Singular – grammar charts, exercises, texts
9. 11. 2024 Winter – Winter Weather, Czech Winter Holidays and Traditions
16. 11. 2024 FMM = Frequently Made Mistakes, e. g. mít rád/a, dělat rád/a; Word Order; znát, vědět; Preposition "for" in Czech; "svůj", ...
23. 11. 2024 Frequently Made Mistakes by Russian Speakers, e. g. Word Order, Faux Amis, Gender, Pronunciation
30. 11. 2024 Our Online Level A1 Tests – Analysis & Exercises, see Czech Langugae Test A1
7. 12. 2024 Our Online Level A2 Test – Analysis & Exercises, see Czech Langugae Test A2
14. 12. 2024 Czech For Academic Purposes or Czech for Aspiring Students
20. 9. 2025 Automn – Automn Weather, Czech Automn Holidays and Traditions
27. 9. 2025 Vocabulary Attact and Conversation (shops, in a restaurant, house, weather, ...)
4. 10. 2025 Czech Proverbs and Idioms, see e. g. Czech Proverbs
Number of lessons 4 lessons per weekend (1 lesson = 45 minutes)
Course Fee CZK 575/ / weekend  when booking one month in advance
CZK 600/ weekend
When Sa: 14:00 pm – 15:30 pm, 15:45 pm – 17:15 pm
Location Týnská – Staroměstská Metro Station or Náměstí Republiky Metro Station

The maximum number of students in a group is 8.
The minimum number of students in one group is 3.
If there are not enough participants to form a group of the same level, the given course fee is for  2 teaching units for 2 students in a group or for 1 individual lesson.


The Course Fee for Separate Sessions of our Weekend Czech Course in Prague includes: